Ingredient glossary

Iron benefits
Oxygen delivery. Iron is found mainly in two proteins— myoglobin and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin delivers oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body, while myoglobin is the oxygen-containing protein in your muscles.
Metabolism. This trace element is involved in the conversion of blood sugar to energy. Production of enzymes also depends on iron.
Food with Iron
Food sources |
mg / 100g
Pistachios | 60 |
Spinach | 13,5 |
Lentils | 12 |
Peas | 8 |
Buckwheat | 8 |
Oatmeal | 5,5 |
Peanuts | 5 |
Corn | 3,7 |
Iron deficiency symptoms
- nutritional anemia
- immunodeficiency
- paleness
- shortness of breath
- reduced energy level
- headaches, dizziness
- depression, irritability
- gastrointestinal disorders
Recommended Dietary Allowances:
Infants (0 to 12 Months): 0.27 – 11 mg/day
Children (1 to 13 Years): 7 – 10 mg/day
Adolescents (14 to 18 Years): 11 – 15 mg/day
Adults (19 and older): 8 – 18 mg/day
Lactating Women: 9 – 10 mg/day
Pregnant Women: 27 mg/day